Thursday, June 16, 2016

February EO Trip

Well, hello there! It's been a while, eh? We have some catching up to do! 

The worlds of parenting and work and animal care and home projects took over, and it was not possible to keep up with the blog (or the laundry, for that matter).

So, after loading, sorting, and editing 845 photos (no joke...but not all made the cut) from the last 5 months, let's see if we can bring y'all up to speed....

For the weekend of President's Day and Valentine's Day, we girls took a road trip to EO. We were bitten by that snow bug over New Year's and just had to go get in some more time in the frowzthen wonderland.

Having a super time.


"I love you!"

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

But the weather was beginning to warm up a bit.
By the next day, poor Mr. Snowman morphed. Just like Olaf...

Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddleBut put me in summer and I’ll be a Happy snowman!

Despite the melting, they got in lots of sledding.

And a little indoor project time too.

On the way home, we took a very quick trek on the path at Multnomah Falls. We never seem to have enough time to really do it all, but we try to squeeze in a few things here and there.

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