Thursday, June 16, 2016

Family Fun

Quick trip to the beach during Spring Break.

Quick enough to get our boots wet, and that was about it.

Playdate with Zelda.

Fort-building is always a good thing.

Introducing them to Shrinky-Dinks! Yay!

Oh yeah - and Easter was in there somewhere too.

Nice haul, kid. Remember to share the loot with your folks!

Wear them out well, we did.


Lots of biking!

Loved catching them doing something right....Aleaha, helping Miri with homework, at the barn.

Cuties for the Sock Hop.

Having a firepit night!


And toasting marshmallows!

More biking!

And some fun with old toys
(put them away, wait a few years, then bring them out again - it's all like new!)

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