Thursday, June 16, 2016

She's One Decade Now

The collage above represents 10 birthdays, from zero (the starting point!) to nine. Today we get to add the official #10 birthday!

There were several kids in her class with summer birthdays, all invited to bring treats just before the end of the school year. She didn't want anything "too special," and nothing with her name on it, but she was hoping for donuts. Mommy found an idea on Pinterest, going off the "10" theme.

Presents were opened in the morning, before the Last Day of School (!).

One requested item: A new hat!

Her menu selection: Shrimp, pasta, and broccolini, with an italian cream soda.

Her cake choice: Triple chocolate.

Smiley cutie-poo.

Happy 10th!

Tomorrow, we will get in our annual Birthday Ride!

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