Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Birthday, Cont'd

Birthday time at school went OK. Not great, but OK.

Here she is before cupcakes. The Birthday Crown was tolerated, but she didn't seem too thrilled about the situation.

And here she is after cupcakes. Obviously the added feature of cupcakes made a difference in her outlook on things.

Friends Sylvie and Ryder knew just how to dig in.

Later on at home, after her favorite dinner of "meat, letters & numbers, and broccoli" (all her faves) we had more cake, this time with the requisite candles. She perked up a bit for this part.

"Yeah, Mom, that one is for me."


Liliana said...

Wow! Did you make that cake? Where can I get me one of those for Jack's party? :-)

Shell said...

Yup - that's our family standard chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting. I made a big batch of batter on the weekend and baked it in two different sizes. This is the smaller one. I had visions of making a horsie-themed cake, went looking for molds and instructions, etc., but ultimately Aleaha wasn't asking for it, and I didn't need to complicate my life any more by attempting that! ;)