Monday, June 15, 2009

The Pre-Birthday

Because her birthday is on a weekday... and because Monday was an in-service day at her daycare (meaning she would be staying home with one of us),... and because we as parents appreciate the value of peace and happiness that comes with giving a gift that can be enjoyed by oneself for about 15 minutes, we decided to give Aleaha her "big gift" a couple of days early.

It was worth it for all of us. :)

Daddy adjusts the stirrups.

Miss A feeds him an apple (note boots and hat in background -- essential items of the ensemble that we immediately had to don in order to continue with the experience).


Liliana said...

Oh. My. God. This has got to be one of the coolest presents ever. I can't even imagine where you would find such a thing. The internet?? She looks pretty darn happy.

Shell said...

Yup - she was thrilled. We were thrilled. It's pretty cool. And ideally it will stave off (for a little while) the requests for a real one. If she can just keep feeding apples to this one for a year or so.... ;)