Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

When Daddy races, we usually plan to get to the track just one of the two days of the event. Fortunately, this weekend we went on Saturday. The car's converter toasted, so there was only one pass to witness that day, and Daddy was home later that night. This meant he got to spend all of Sunday (Father's Day) with us. Not so good for the Chili Pepper (or the owner's wallet!), but a chance for some family time at home, which was nice.

A few pics from the weekend...

Miss Miri is really into pushing buttons and riding on her horsie, her 4-wheeler, and her little car. She can even push the buttons in Clippity-Clops ears to make him talk and make music.

Three years ago, Aleaha wore this little shirt to the track. And now Miri gets a shot to wear it too. It's a great hand-me-down from our friends Henry and Max. Thank you, Felice! (Here's Aleaha wearing it.)

OK, I admit to putting her in a pink jacket and shoes and a little barrette, lest someone think she is a boy.

Got a couple of pics of the girls sitting together.

Little resemblance here?

Aleaha refuses to wear ear protection. We hang back a long way from the loudest areas, but it's still dang loud.

Watching Daddy get ready to move from the lanes into the staging area. This is as close as we can get to the action, because to go any further would mean getting into the restricted area. Hence, we missed the smoke of the burning-up converter. (Maybe there's a reason they call this event "Fire & Thunder!"?) It's probably better than Mommy didn't see that part.

There was a bit of a mishap when Aleaha's knee met the pavement unexpectedly. She hates bandaids, so she had to sit with a paper towel on her knee for a while.

Miri wore the ear protection, but she faught it (and her nap!) pretty hard.

Having a little Pit-Picnic with Daddy.

Even in the pits, there's some noise to endure. Miri was caught a little offguard here.

Back at the house, Aleaha and Mrs. Jones check out the new picnic table. The ice cream seemed to help Aleaha forget about the bum knee.

Mmmmmm - blue ice cream.

On Father's Day, we spent a little time putting in some fencing for the goats and llama. Tuckered out Mommy & Daddy, but Miss M was still rearin' to go.

The best way to celebrate Father's Day.

1 comment:

LittleBitOfSunshine said...

Oh yeah for Daddy's! Love the last shot. hee hee.