Monday, January 20, 2014

Escape to the Sun & Sand

After feeling very stuck in the fog of The Valley for far too long, we set aside Sunday to head to the coast. We ate at a real restaurant (and the girls used manners and did well), we hit up the aquarium, and then we made our way to the sand. The temperature was mild, there was no wind, and the feeling of the sun was glorious. 

We also tried to bring home some fresh fish, but that was a bust - no vendors to be found. What's up with that?

Pointing at the sea lions. Or maybe it was the sea otters?

Touching creatures.

Jellyfish (although the brights ones with tentacles got lots of raves)

Unexpectedly nice moment.

Add in Daddy's face and it's even better!

Got sand? Gotta dig!

Love this shot, with our shadows too.

"Heeeeeyyyyyyy! I fooooouuuuund something!!!!!!"

"It's a feather."

"I can put it in my hair!"

'Twas a marvelous day. 

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