Monday, January 13, 2014

Mucky Muck

The management of mud and muck (whose primary ingredient is processed hay -- meaning it's been processed by a horse) is a constant chore. Having separated Jake and Arby into their own area, we were finding a faster build-up in their space. Not a good thing! Bad for their health and feet, so it was time to do a mid-winter fix.

Over a foot deeper than it should be, and encroaching on their feeders.

The big animals were cordoned off to the end while the piling began. It's a temporary location for this, and we'll have to move it when things are drier.

Ahhhh, much better.

Water is bubbling up all over the place - this is a gopher-hole-gone-geiser. We have to keep an eye on water sources and ensure the runoff is managed well. Erosion can be dangerous!

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