Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First Piano Recital

We are SO PROUD! Aleaha has been taking piano lessons since September, and it was time for her first recital (held after Christmas, but all with Christmas music). It was so much fun to hear her and the other students in concert.

She listened intently to the other performers and waited her turn. She didn't seem too nervous. Holly and  Jon attended too -- they are very helpful facilitators in the piano-lesson logistics process each week. We are so grateful for the help!!

The recital was held in a church with a wonderful grand piano up front. Miri needed to be reminded that she was in the House of God, so she needed to be quiet and use very good manners. She recognized most of the songs, but realized it was not cool to sing along. She was happy to clap for all performers, however.

"But where is God, if we are in His house? I don't see Him here.
And when does he ever play the piano? I didn't know he played!"

Playing her three pieces.

She did GREAT!

We parents were a little teary at this experience. It was a lot of fun to hear the range of skills of the students, and very inspiring to hear the older kids and their capabilities.

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