Monday, January 27, 2014

Wiley E. Coyote

The glorious sun was showed itself over the weekend, and it brought out all manner of critters. Spiffy and Mommy took a long walk around the fields and trails, and as we were traipsing along, we noticed (well, Spiffy noticed, mostly) lots of mice and voles and such. They must have been prompted by the warm weather to surface from their hiding places to get some rays.

And it seems their presence also prompted the next up on the food chain -- Mr. Coyote. We haven't seen one for some time, although they leave their evidence to remind us they are still around.

So as we are walking along the field, trying not to trip (it's hard to walk over the bumpy terrain), looky what appeared out in front of us! At first, because of the wind direction, he didn't see us, so I watched him hunt for a few minutes.

My lame pictures don't do this justice, but this bad boy was the largest coyote I have ever seen. He was as tall as Spiffy. I had to remind myself he was more afraid of me than I was of him, because he was that big!

Eventually we made a little noise and got his attention. So he meandered away. But not very quickly and not very far!

As we continued on our walk up the hill and through the trails, we went down by the apple and pear trees in this photo (above), and he just didn't really care. He was hunting in the sunshine, and he was all about his objective.

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