Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Miller Family

We have so few pictures of the four of us. GrammaBon snapped this at PBR, and although I couldn't edit out enough of the background to my satisfaction, I do like that it reminds me of an outing together.

Riding with Family

Last year and again this year, we three seesters carved out just a little time together, left the kids with the rest of the fam, and saddled up three boys for a nice little trail ride.

It was awesome. The boys were great and we had a lovely ride.

(And no, I am not really taller. It's the difference between our tallest horse (~16 hands) and our shortest (about 14 hands). 

Back Together

So they are both home now. What a ride it has been.

Clearly they missed each other, but they are also heavily into a bickering and fighting phase. One hits, bumps, or steps on the other constantly -- "but it was an accident". Sure, uh-huh. The other one screams bloody murder and backtalks constantly. They are already driving us crazy. There have been a few moments here and there when they have just chased each other and played their made-up games and had fun. Whew.

It was definitely the right thing to have them go do their special time in EO as individuals. It's much more memorable and developmental -- and just much easier! -- when there is  only one kiddo at a time. 

And it was definitely the right thing to let Little Miss Miri have her own time there. At just barely 5 years old, I was pretty hesitant, but it was not only fine, it was for the best. They each had time they needed, and neither one can claim they got something the other one didn't. This is a heavy time of jealously and seeking fairness, so I'm really grateful to our family for supporting this 2-week long adventure in reducing sibling rivalry.

Now if the reintegration process doesn't kill us....

Kid Swapping (and Life with the Other One)

It just so happened that the weekend that Mommy would be traveling back over to EO to pick up Aleaha and drop off Miri in their individual-one-week adventures, GrammaBon and Grandpa were hosting a "Pickin' n Grinnin'" event up at the mountains. 

Aleaha was a super helper in the preparations that week with Gramma. She was also Uncle Chris' sous chef, as they catered the hamburgers and hot dogs for the crowd.

Uncle Chris manned the hot dog BBQ (which was a little tempermental), and he showed Aleaha how to take care of the burgers on its own BBQ.

He coached her on the proper technique...

... and then did the all-important developmental approach of stepping back and letting her go to it on her own. She LOVED it. 

(Honestly, I probably would have chickened out as the mother and not let her do it, but I'm so grateful he is who he is, because he was right there for safety but let her build her confidence in doing it herself. Just like a great coach does!)

Grandpa's main role that day was as a Picker. The music was really nice.

The food was great too. Lots of salads in the potluck - a favorite part.

Jodi had a cute idea for serving up the snacks.

The moonrise over the pond that night was breathtaking.

And Tuffy the cat reappeared at the cabin, after a three-week absence! We all thought for sure he was a goner. So good to have him back. He's a character, and very much lives up to his name.

When it was time to leave, I had Aleaha ready to go and was wistful about leaving Miri. But I was told she did great as the "only child" with Gramma & Grandpa in the mountains. She too got to have some time in town with her cousins and aunts & uncles (THANK YOU!!), and she got to have the enviable pool trips, for which we are very grateful.

Back in the Valley later that week, the wild yellow plum tree was ripe and ready to pick.

It took us two nights to get all the fruit, and it's now in the freezer, awaiting a big canning session. YUM

Aleaha wanted us to believe she was all about being the only kid. She was good during the day, staying home with Daddy while he worked in the shop. Doing her normal thing. (Yeah, I guess you could say meditating is one of those things.)

But it turns out that she really-really-really missed her sister, especially at night. She had trouble sleeping all by herself in the bedroom, and on one or more nights ended up with us. Which means she brings a blanket and Chestnut, because he sleeps wherever she sleeps.

When it was finally time for Miri to come home, Aleaha made her bed for her (Mommy's suggestion) and wrote her a lovely note (on her own accord).

"Miri, oh Miri, [quite contreery], I love you very much. Yes I love you to the moon and back, that's how much I care for you. Love, Aleaha" 

Uuuuuh, I was speechless. 

Life with One

With a large investment of much time (mainly driving), money (mainly for gas), and help from the family (in many ways!), both girls were able to have their "own time in Eastern Oregon" this summer. It was a big highlight for each of them, they really wanted it, and we hope they have many happy memories and lessons.

After the 4th of July, we had Aleaha stay behind first, similar to years' past. She spent most nights with Gramma & Grandpa in the mountains, but she was also invited to do things in town with her cousins, which of course she totally relished. Swimming at the pool was very much appreciated (we have never done that at home - for shame!).

Meanwhile, back at home, Miri was a pretty easy kiddo to have around. I was concerned she might not feel comfortable playing by herself and be begging for a playmate constantly. But that didn't happen. I think she really reveled in being" the only child"  for a little while -- TV remote to herself, games she wanted to play, etc.

She did a lot of dress-up and dramatic play, which is always her thing.

And she even slept well, despite being alone in the bedroom.

Meanwhile, in the mountains, Aleaha was being an important helper to Gramma in prepping for a big shindig they were going to be hosting the next weekend. She helped with dishes, which was a big deal to her, because it's done by hand (Mental parental note: Now she knows how, so it's time to put that skill to use at home!), as well as some deep cleaning that they were doing.

GrammaBon made a special clothesline that she could reach.

It was strangely quiet to have just Miri at home. She was very easy and played by herself. Of course, she was still going to school each day, so her routine in that way was same ol', same ol. But we sure missed Aleaha and looked forward to having her back.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Miss M Turns 5

Her sister was away visiting in EO, but we still managed to have a pretty good birthday.

She got a few things she really hoped for.

"A little make-up purse for my chapstick"

The karaoke CD for Frozen

So we listened and sang along on the way to school.
She tends to the dramatic, if you haven't noticed.

In the afternoon, she shared cupcakes with friends at school and blew out the infamous candles offered for kids in her Pre-K classroom. 

 Such a rite of passage! (Check out Aleaha in the same scenario)

Mommy got to hang out a little and see their afternoon routine. Here Teacher Richard leads the group in some yoga, including the Lion pose.

Back at home, Miri relaxes before dinner.

Her requested birthday dinner was tacos and lima beans. Go figure!

After dinner we went on a walk around the trails.

She's such a blossoming little girl. While out walking, her comments ranged from "I can't believe I turned five!" to "I really miss Aleaha".

We checked out the wild fruit trees we recently discovered. These plums are almost ripe!

But we needed to be sure to be back at the house for cake! (Ahem, this is from KFC. And to think that 4 years ago I was beating myself up for not making a homemade cake. Now we've stooped to Drive-Thru Cake! Ha, talk about relaxing the expectations... but it was just right for the three of us)

Ready for bed in her new princess nightgown.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Frito Banditos

Daddy makes friends with the piggies.

The all-black one is especially calm. 

Look closely and you'll see why they love him.

He gives them Fritos! (pre-salting the bacon??)

They really are funny things.

Cat Antics

We thought for a moment that Smokey killed this gopher snake, but it was just fine.

BearCat definitely knows how to pass the time.

Phase Change

As Miri's time at the Center is approaching its end, we decided it was time to give away the "little kitchen" and "little grocery store" and "little BBQ" and lots of play food.

We spent some time getting it organized, then it was transitioned from our playroom (where the girls rarely were spending any time) to the Center. It's in a great place now, where lots of kids will have great fun with it.

Aleaha doesn't look very thrilled here, but that's because she was in a funk for a moment.

Miri was all smiley.

Then Aleaha got with the program.

Teacher Nona showed Miri how they set up the kitchen under the loft in "Home Living" at her school, and she was very proud and happy to have given it to them!


We came back with only this one, as the older one is presently staying for her own week with her GrammaBon and Grandpa and cousins. We'll make the swap next weekend, so that Miri can go for the same on her own next week.

This was likely the last trip for the ol' Chev pickup to haul the trailer over east. 
It's clearly time for a new one, as we rolled over to 200K miles on the way home.  

Celebrating Birthdays

There was a dessert bar to help celebrate their birthdays. 

They always look forward to this every year. (Thank you, everyone!)

And it brought about a surprising effect on the way to fireworks in Ukiah -- sleep-inducing birthday cake!!