Friday, May 22, 2015

First Race of the Season

Daddy took One Hot Chili Pepper to the track for it's first weekend of racing. (We missed a weekend earlier in the year). Things were not working out well last year, but this year is off to a great start!

Aleaha was especially thrilled, because she was able to spend 2 nights there with Daddy and his crew chief, Gary, and Gary's lovely girlfriend, Diane. Aleaha *loves* to camp at the track! 

Miri and Mommy drove up for the day on Saturday to watch the qualifying passes. It was a thunderous time! Daddy is lucky to have a great set of people for support!

The Chili Pepper was in the left lane in the photo above. It was very exciting, as he was testing everything and getting information for how to dial in on Sunday, for the eliminations.

It is always a bit more than Miss Miri can handle. On the way home, after much fussing and fit-throwing and whining, Mommy was about at the end of her patience. I had a flashback to what it's like with a small baby or toddler -- that it's often the very worst right before they completely cave and fall asleep. And that's exactly what happened. I talked her into breathing deeply to calm down (she was really worked up because she didn't want to leave), and then suddenly, it was sweetly silent. 


And the other great news was that Daddy and the OCHP crew got runner-up that weekend! They went 199 mph and quicker than ever. They were all thrilled and can't wait for the next race in a few weeks.

Miri, on the other hand, still needs to catch up on her sleep before then!

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