Friday, May 22, 2015


It was time to bring the piggies home! Wow, the prep this year was so much simpler, given that the permanent pen is set up.

This batch is significantly larger than the last 2 years' batches....the breeders have been supplementing with dairy products, so they have grown faster. Hooray!

The disadvantage of bigger piggies is a bigger backache! It's challenging to get them transferred into the pen. A couple could go over the fence, but we packed the rest in via the door. Ugh.

There huddled together for a bit, and met up with the hot wire along the inside a time or two.

They didn't know how to drink from the water nipples, but it only took a few days for this to happen. In the meantime, they drank from pans.

Hard to see, but there's a pile of happy piggies under the heat lamp (which also wasn't needed very long).

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