Friday, May 22, 2015

Playdate with Kaden

Miri's friend Kaden came over for a visit one Sunday afternoon recently. What fun they all had!

They played on Blackie (the tire swing) for a good, long time.

Aawwwwww. They are so danged cute together!

And silly too, of course.

We took a walk up on the trails, so that Kaden could see what it looks like when it's not dark and scary (he was last here at Halloween time, when we took rides up through the woods with the tractor and trailer)

Enjoyed some slushies.

One little ham deserves another!
And took a short Shorty ride. (I asked Kaden if he wanted to sit in front or back, and he preferred back, "so that Miri will be safer and will be able to hold onto me" Good grief, he kills me!!)

They played a little golf.

Miri wanted to make sure the ball would truly go where it was supposed to go.

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