Friday, May 22, 2015

Mother's Day Fun

Miri's Kindergarten class invited mothers for a spa-themed tea party the Friday before Mother's Day. Note that the reason for the party is "you matter to me". Awwwww 

There were various stations where the kids could do our nails (you know that's the first one Miri wanted to hit!), give us back massages, put lotion on us, have a snack, create a craft together, and conduct an interview. It was marvelous fun!

It also happened to be a day when the kids were allowed to dress up as a favorite character in a book. Miri took that chance to wear her Elsa costume from Halloween to school -- something she had been wanting to do all year. And she wasn't the only Elsa in her class, naturally! Her darling friend Sadie can be seen in the background wearing her Elsa costume too.

Above is the interview. She was spot on with everything! Well, I will always appreciate that she didn't reveal my real age (especially since I could have been a mother to several of the mothers in the class!).

On Sunday morning, Miri surprised me with breakfast in bed. She made me a collection of her favorites....lukewarm oatmeal, cherry tomatoes, and bread. Very sweet!

Miri's card was darling..."I love you because you matter". And the word "horses" made it in there too.

Later in the day, we attended a Mommy & Me Tea Party class up in Portland. That was a special treat! The menu called for scones, sandwiches, and madeleines. There were quite a few people in the class, so we each were assigned a station and some buddies for sharing the tasks and equipment. Above, the girls are working on their batch of scone dough. 

They are already pretty much whizzes in a kitchen, but it was great to see how organized things were for a class environment.

Miss Miri was very tired on the way home. 

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