Friday, May 22, 2015

Miri's Spring Concert

Mommy was out of town during the Winter Concert, and that was very sad! So now that it's time for the Spring Concerts, we are all about going.

It's the usual semi-controlled chaos, where the kids file in and the parents get in each other's way.

Miri, in her classroom, before the concert.

What a project to herd so many kids! The teachers and staff are so patient. Even at 6:00pm. Sheesh! 

Miri is the blurry one in orange behind the microphone stand. (What, you mean that description still doesn't help??) 

Her class did a number with instruments, set to the book "Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type". Fortunately we have that book, so I could roughly follow along. Darling!

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