Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Prep

Aleaha strung cranberries and popcorn on thread to feed to the birds outside. Very festive!

Miri made a fun and tasty gingerbread ornament at school. (No, it did not survive to be placed on the tree. It was edible, and she made quick work of it before we left the school's parking lot!)
In the course of cleaning out the playroom, we came across many toys that were not being used and were destined for donation. The train set, however, didn't make it that far. Once the library floor was picked up, the trains were set out. And so we had those all over the place for a few days. *sigh* Well, at least they are getting along and playing with existing items.
What follows are a gratuitous series of cat shots. Because it's our blog and we can! Smokey is such a great helper with lights, indoors and  out.

Cinder, on the other hand, was less helpful. Unless attacking the nice line of plastic horses Miri set out was helpful.

Juice was not exactly in the holiday spirit. Forced costuming didn't seem to help.
Smokey then got down with Ariel for a little naptime. He had to make sure she didn't get away.

Cinder was NOT supposed to be on the table. But she was cute, so she got away with it. Long enough for a picture, anyway. Then SHOO!

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