Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Family Visit!

We were very lucky that all the family could come to our house again this year to celebrate Christmas. We had a houseful, and it was lots of chaotic, busy fun. I didn't have a chance to document all the goings-on, but I got a bit.
Aleaha and Sylvie practiced a few Christmas tunes together, and then they put on a concert! Best Christmas moment!! (videos possibly will be added later - technical difficulties at the moment)

The girls have their recital all worked out.
The audience is ready too.
They each played a few solo pieces, and they played a couple of pieces together, which was amazing! Thank you, girls, that was marvelous!

Cousins laughing it up - one on an iPod and the other on a Slate. Electronically hooked, but actually playing together, surprisingly enough.

There was a bit o' food involved, naturally. Here is the 19 lb rib roast, getting ready for his salt covering. All herbed up!

Nine pounds of salt and a couple hours on the grill, and he becomes....

....a slightly browner version. Deeeee-lish!

While waiting for the time to open presents, Aunt Jodi expertly engages the kiddos in a Massage Circle until it's time to go nutso...

And crazy it was, of course!
Cinder was all over the festivities - people, wrapping, boxes - she's on it!

Later on, the girls get ready for bed. And by that I mean they are in bed, but of course not asleep.

Although they were sleepy the next morning!

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