Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Freezing our flanks off!

We resolved the issue of barn feeders recently, so all critters have a dedicated spot to eat. Good thing, because food is the #1 way they keep warm. And it has been a cold few days around the Valley....Abnormally cold....

....We've-got-frost-on-our-butts cold!

Mommy and Daddy worked on the weekend to install a new wiz-bang heated hose across the front of the barn so that Jake & Arby can have their own automatically-filled, heated trough (ahem, let's just say it's more like a bathtub!). During the process, the animals all had to be moved to the opposite end of the barnyard for safety's sake. The horses were happy to comply - notice enticement of hay all over the place. But MamaLlama and the goats were not thrilled. After downing their bribe of pellets, they wanted back in their stall, dangit!

Couldn't get very good pics while struggling to hold the ladder, hold the heavy hose, hand up tools, dance around to keep warm, and pray Daddy didn't come tumbling down in the frozen barnyard.

We did finally git'er done, but there is a leak in the hose. Nice, eh? All installed and then we learn this. Made for an interesting stalagmite. (Pay no attention to all those wires and extension cords and stuff. We're just completely sure it's totally safe to mix water and electricity like this.....ay yi yi....gulp)

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