Saturday, December 28, 2013

Cookin' Up a Storm

Aleaha is a very good helper in the kitchen. Very capable and skilled. She had a goal (all her idea!) of making homemade bread over the Christmas break, and her big criteria was "no machines" - she wanted it to be 100% by hand. (I had to convince her that using the oven to bake it was not cheating, and there was no solar device that was going to make this work.)

OK, sweetie, warm up your muscles, because that's what bread dough wants!

She starts to get the bread flour incorporated.
Gives it a little elbow grease, while her sister keeps her keen eye on the camera (such a ham!)

She did a fabulous job kneading.
Wonderful results. Guess what we had for dessert after dinner?? Oh yeah, white-bread, carb-guttons we are! But I'm not calling it "trashy", cuz it was homemade, afterall. Doesn't that count for something good nutritionally??
She also helped prep the garlic for marinating tomorrow night's dinner (wow, it's nice to have the time to think ahead!)  In goes the unpeeled clove...
Crush-n-roll, baby!

Out falls the peeled clove. Voila!

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