Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Quiet Christmas

Back down to just the four of us, Christmas morning was relatively calm. The girls waited for Mom & Dad to have a cup of coffee in hand before digging into the stockings.

"Aww, look, Mom, I got fwoot! fwum Santa!"

A Prayer Bear from Gramma Patty.

With every item Miri unwrapped, she proclaimed,
"Oh, thank you! I've been wanting one of these for years!"

Shorty gave Aleaha a framed picture of the two of them. She's still trying to figure out how he wrapped it.

Santa brought a fun racetrack for Miri, but it was somewhat advanced, so our in-house expert had to be summoned for assembly assistance.

Santa brought Lego Friends for Aleaha, and she went right at it!

Lest there never be a photo of Miri being allowed to "do cwafts" at home, here is proof! It's even acrylic paints!! And we even survived!!!!

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