Saturday, December 7, 2013

Home for Snow Day

Mommy was on a business trip all week and made it home just barely in time to beat a big snow storm. Sure was nice to be safe and snug with family. We had put up some Christmas lights the weekend before, and this is what we see out the back side of the house. These are the old-fashioned type of lights, which really glow wonderfully.

Juicy-Bear is curious about what it's like outside, but he wants nothing to do with going out into it.

Miri, on the other hand, was all about going outside! She offered to help Mommy with the morning feeding.

It was quite a trek.

The pond was very snowy and pretty. Later in the day, the top was completely frozen over.

This is the fountain in front of the house. We managed to find a few extra horse trough heaters to put in it, hoping to stave off the bone-chilling cold on its way to us tonight. Too many days of freezing temps is pretty hard on things around here. We're kinda used to temperate conditions. (Yes, wimps is probably the right phrase.)

They loved getting suited up for more play outside. (Mommy would have taken more pics, but she was flat in bed the first day due to a bad cold.)

Loved how the light made their skin and eyes look.

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