Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chicken Update

This post is a little behind, but a couple of weeks ago, we were working to finish the chicken pen and then let the chickens out of the house. I snapped a selfie with Cinder and Smokey, who were soooo helpful with the process. (Actually, they were sooooo curious about the birds)

The weather was a little chilly and it was sprinkling. This was the chickens' first time out from the heat lamp. We were cutting a hole in the chicken house for their door, but we needed to keep them rounded up together. So they were smooshed into the dog crate - keeping warm and safe.

Here's Daddy, starting the hole for their door.

These silly goons were somewhat helpful, but mainly running around for fun.

In any of these animal pen/housing projects, we always revel in "the release"....the time we let them go into their new environment. We were excited to see how they responded. It's supposed to be a happy moment for everyone! We wondered who would be the first to enter their new space.


As much as we waited, and as much as they each started out the door, none of them would actually come out!

And then the next day, after they braved the door and ladder and had fun being out all day, none of them would go back into the house at night! They just huddled together. (Well, they do have a brain the size of a pea, so it might take a little time for them to learn.)

After a few days of adjusting, but they are now in the proper routine -- out during the day, in the house at night.

A couple of the chickens are very friendly. We have one we call MissKiss, who was the first to let me pick her up. This one (above) is called Cupcake. Turns out she is the only Sex-Linked chicken, so she's a one-of-a-kind in our flock. She's always the first to come running to me, and she loves to be picked up and snuggled. She sings to me!

Daddy says this is the end where the frosting comes from. Eeeww!

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