Thursday, April 30, 2015

Critters, critters, everywhere

This is such a wonderful time of year, when the animals really can take advantage of the grass.

Jake was sunning himself.

This is a very grainy collage of Cheddar, the feral. He is very skittish around us, so this was taken through a glass and screen door. However, the girls have been telling us that they can pet him. We doubted it and figured it was just a story they were weaving. Then just the other day, Daddy challenged Miri to live up to the story, and she walked right up to him and patted his head. Most cats are leery of kids to begin with, but we seem to have a feral who prefers kids to adults.

He needs to be reminded who buys the cat food around here! 

Juice grabbed Daddy's lap, and Miri loaned her blanket to make it especially cozy.

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