Wednesday, April 8, 2015


It was that time of year again. I remember very fondly my own excitement at dying eggs. And they too were eager and ready.

We love going to our "old neighbors'" (better term would be "former neighbors'"!) to join in on the annual plastic egg hunt there. Lots of kids this year! 



They were in motion and moving fast for quite a while.

Miri thought she might need to strap her basket to her waist, but she had no trouble making it work. 

The goofballs had a great time.

The Easter Bunny brought pretty dresses and sweaters this year, plus some cute little bunny ear clips to wear in their hair. Miri models her outfit as she gets ready for school on Monday.

We ran out of time on Sunday to do our own egg hunt at home. So on Tuesday night, we did a couple of rounds of hunting in the house. That was marvelous! Next year, I think we'll just plan it like that. Miri can hide Aleaha's eggs and vice versa, in two rounds. They had a blast with that, and then there was no bickering about the other one taking/finder "her" eggs.

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