Saturday, December 17, 2016

Catching up - August

Took in the Benton County Fair. Smiles for miles!

Our pear tree by the 2nd pond was amazingly loaded with fruit this summer.

Just stunning.

Sadly, the tree came down in a freakish October windstorm. We will plant another!

We took a trip to Portland for Cavalia.

It was such an amazing horse show. Mommy had the chance to see it twice - and I knew I just had to take the girls!

They participated in Take Your Child to Work day.

I'm proud they they know so much about HP history.

There was a lovely moon in August as we were picking blackberries.

Mommy introduced Aleaha to the joys of sushi! She's not so much into the raw fish aspect, but she loves the conveyor belt places and the "little shrimp with rice."

How do you make your pigs happy?? We give them fruit and summer showers.
(Putting those pears to good use.)

Mommy just looooooves canning outdoors!

Dilly beans, coming up!

Goofball horses.

Hey internet! We took a family vacation to the beach! 

The girls loved it!

A bit of wind, as usual.

We all loved visiting Shore Acres garden.

There's a special little cove there that we knew the girls would love.

Another selfie practice session.

And in the background are our little stinkers!

Watch out, the tide is strong! (and the water is cold)

Mommy's pride!

Our cove in the background. Can't wait to visit again!


Our flower among the flowers.

We watched a bird dive for food over and over.

As always, playing the hotel pool is part of the draw.

And lots of sand time.

We stopped at several lighthouses along the way.

We were fascinated by this - they used lard for the first few years!

They were paying close attention to the lessons.

Mommy tried to take a walk with the girls down to the beach, but someone wouldn't follow warnings about where to step to prevent slipping.   

Lots to see and do.

But it was darn cold at times.

We visited a Drive-Through Tree. But we didn't dare attempt to drive through it.

The girls barely fit in there!

Such a wonderful trip!

Closing out the month, Aleaha did a little riding in our fake arena.

Shorty is such a good boy.

We loved seeing the farmer take care of the field.

And his field across the highway was planted in wheat. Oh, the wheat harvest makes Mommy so happy!

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