Saturday, December 17, 2016

Catching up - July

The girls have been introduced to the fun of the arcade. There are a lot of shoot-em-up games (ugh), but they are improving their hand-eye coordination! (and I'm not letting them miss out on this, just cuz they are girls!!)

And then we were in the mountains! The picture is a little hard to see, but this is Miri and Aleaha playing catch. 

Tuffy watched from the safety of the porch. He's no dummy!

Three of the six were in patriotic garb that day!

Our favorite bar.

Gotta get your firepit fix!

And roast those marshmallows.

Mommy practices selfies with Daddy. Much more practice is needed!

There was an important ditching project to be done.

And although there was an attempt to remedy this situation, we smartly backed off and it was done later.

Three sisters and a mate.

Aleaha got lots of snuggle time with Tuffy.

He had to exert his authority constantly.

The horses relaxed for a bit.

Arby got a scratchy-massage...

...which he liked a lot!

Love the pony ride opp.

There was gobs of riding!

Many, many rides. A good time for all!

Down the back roads, with nary a soul. Lovely!


Arby and his tongue.

Mostly, my pics are between Arby's ears. And that's OK!

Miri is just getting the hang of riding on her own (while Mommy walks).

It can be hard to get back far enough from Shorty to get a good picture, because he tends to wander over to me.

Different a different day's ride. :)

So much fun!

Getting shots of all of us is a little challenging.

We decided to take an extra-long ride one day.

The weather was iffy, so we needed to start off with our dusters.

Along the way, we took a snack break. (Ahem, nice chance to be out of the saddle for a few minutes.)

It was a little chilly, so we took along a thermos of hot tea. Best tea party of the year!

Our mounts enjoyed the rest.

Then it was time to suit up again.

Rain was threatening.

But it was all good!

No, Miri is not trying to karate-chop poor Shorty....she's trying to show me that he's still a little challenging for her to reach on her own.

But she manages with just a little help up.

She had a nice haul for her 7th birthday. (Note Charlie in the background, seeming to want in on the action - but we know better!)

Rare moment of appreciation to her sister - must capture for posterity!

Barbie house proved a lot of fun!

A "real birthday cake" to mark the occasion.

Nice shot by GrammaBon.

On a subsequent trip to pick up a kid, Tuffy suveilled the car and found all was OK.

We stopped at the Bonneville Fish Hatchery for a little educational visit, and it was a hit! (I tried to tell them they'd love it, but they didn't believe me until they saw for themselves.)

Feeding the fish was a lot of fun.

The sturgeon really were this big!

They had missed each other while apart.

Back at home, MommaLlama wonders...

"What? Is there something on my face?"

Miri has taken to writing music.

I think she's got a vibe going!

Do I rue the day I showed them how to make a fort??

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