Saturday, December 17, 2016

Catching up - October

Miri started taking piano lessons. We are very proud of her - she really has a good ear and loves to play. Maybe we can feature a video of her sometime soon.

As I was making patterns and costumes for Halloween, I used a few within-reach props to hold down my pattern paper. Kinda gory, but handy! (ar-ar, get it?)

The girls were eager to go through the corn maze. We managed to do it before there was too much mud, fortunately.

Aleaha wanted to be Glinda The Good Witch of the North. We found a suitable dress at Goodwill, and I dyed it and did some rather drastic tailoring to make it fit.  

Miri wanted to be a ghoul-witch-phantom thing.

Her cute factor outweighs her creep factor.

We didn't end up putting on a Halloween party this year, but we are looking forward to doing that again next year. There's a lot involved, and it was just getting to be too much this year. 

Before we put on our costumes, I needed to take a short meeting, so Aleaha busied herself quietly. Then I discovered this is what she was making!

We really enjoyed the Halloween trick-or-treating at HP.

It's so nice to do this indoors!

And there was no shortage of loot!

In other October news, we saw the rains set in, and sometimes we were blessed with a nice rainbow.

The cooling weather also brings in some creepy fog, rolling over the fields.

When we clean the barnyard, everyone has to move to the end of their paddocks.

Miss Miri is an expert at making Brown Sugar Bacon.

She enjoys her crafting desk.

And she definitely knows how to set up a room for comfort.

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