Saturday, December 17, 2016

Farewell, Jake

This is going to be a long post. I'm going mainly with some favorite pictures and a little commentary. It's just the beginning my personal tribute to my most wonderful boy, Jake.

He came to be mine in June of 2005.

Chris and I had purchased a place on a few acres, and as soon as we had the fences up and ready and found a rickety old horse trailer, I was ready to find my boys. Jake came from a place near Sandy.

It was the hottest day of the year when we brought him home. He was a prince - and a joker -  from Day 1.

He seemed to really love his new home.

I always felt so lucky to have him.

He managed to find ways to get where he wasn't supposed to go.

But he took excellent care of my family.

He adored going to the mountains, and playing in the pond was a special treat.

He was very patient with me.

My bestie.

This was right after Miri was born, and Aleaha was itching to do something just with Mommy and the horses. We walked around the barnyard. He was very patient.

Arby was a very good friend. They were buddies and got along really well.

Being on the hillside, eating grass, was clearly a favorite pastime.

And he was always ready to help Daddy with any chores.

He was the herd leader for a long time - always finding the best places to roll.

He had a special relationship with my friend, Teri.

He let me try new things.

But was always very gentle with the girls.

A toughie, through and through.

Mr. Power Steering

He helped me get my mojo back, in so many ways.

He retired in late 2012. He had earned it! We had professional photos taken in October. 

Well-timed shot.

My honey.

Our last photo together.

Always my favorite.

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