Saturday, December 17, 2016

Catching up - November

Miri has a special admirer at school.

He wrote her two notes, and then gave her a really lovely gift. 

We might be in for a lot of this in her future. *sigh*

Our "Patricia Rose" bush, which commemorates Patty, blooms in the most surprising circumstances. Right before Thanksgiving, she gave us three amazing blossoms. 

I like to think it's because she's letting us know she's watching over us. I hope she knows how much we miss her. 

It was finally time to re-stock the barn with hay. We were down to the last few bales from our 2015 harvest of our grass field.

We found a marvelous supplier of three-string bales, and he delivers!

Three stacks - about 10 tons - and we are ready for the winter.

Miri's class made Growth Mindset t-shirts. She is doing so well with this topic. I love to hear her say "I won't give up" - especially when she's practicing piano.

Here's the kiddo, ready for her winter concert.

Darling class songs!

So fun to watch.

Speaking of better watch out! And I don't mean about Santa.

Aleaha has been wanting to get some special cooking lessons with Mommy. So one night we made spaetzle. Fun and yummy!

We had a clean kitchen going into Thanksgiving.

But first, we needed to celebrate Daddy's birthday! This was a requested  coconut cream pie. Looked better when all assembled with the whipped cream and toasted coconut.

Miri helped with the tangerine juice, which we used for Tangerine Curd Tart - that just might be our new family tradition for Thanksgiving, cuz it was SO GOOD.

We invited a Butter Turkey to dinner. He was all chill at the start.

But as the night wore on, he mellowed a bit.

The rain got pretty serious, and our little creek running out of the main pond was quite swollen.

The girls went for a walk around the field. That's them - the little colored things in the center of the picture. Wearing themselves out. (hooray!)

'Nuff said.

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