Saturday, December 17, 2016

Catching up - September

Cute shot of them hugging a tree. They barely could reach!

I was proud of Aleaha for her self-description.

Mommy and Quigly after the Hermiston parade (waiting for poor family members to walk back to the horse trailer - it was a loooooong walk for them!)

Hangin' with Smokey at the State Fair.

PLEASE NOTE. This is the MOST anticipated "thing to do" at the State Fair. They save quarters up for weeks! They love to buy the little polished rocks. Our vacuum cleaner has sucked up a lot of them, and it's not happy about it. 

Daddy and Aleaha on the gondola.

Miri and Mommy too!

Miri with her bestie, Lillian (note they both have the same missing teeth smiles).

First day of 5th and 2nd grades. Man, time flies.

Aleaha gets ready to go down the track in her junior dragster.

You be safe, little one!

She's learning great stuff from Daddy!

Daddy makes the final adjustments. I swear I have a gazillion shots of Daddy with the very same look on his face. Contemplative and serious. That's good! Cuz you are about to race down the track! So I hope to goodness you are taking it seriously.

Great times!

While in Pendleton for Round-Up, we were able to take in the downtown carnival. Fun! One of their favorites is the bungee jumping contraption.

Miri, flying high!

Aleaha too!

Their tongues after slushies.

Mommy's view as we stage for the start of the Westard Ho! parade. The best times ever!

Aleaha photobombs a napping Miri.

Round-Up selfie.

On the last night of Happy Canyon, the rain start in. Quigly and I waited, mounted up, in his stall, until it was our turn to go in.


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